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DASH is the Data Science Center in Health of the UMCG: a knowledge hub, community and facilitator in the area of health data science. DASH aims to advance data science in health by supporting innovative research projects and by bringing experts in data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence together.
DASH offers a variety of activities related to data science and AI that are helpful for researchers. Every year, two promising research projects that involve challenges regarding research IT and data science are selected as DASH projects and they receive dedicated support from the DASH team to get started. DASH also organises educational activities, such as mini lectures and monthly webinars about data science and AI. For specific machine learning related issues, the Machine Learning Lab provides support to the whole UMCG community and they run own research projects as well. Besides that, DASH can provide you with advice regarding data science matters and can connect you to the right people within the UMCG to help you progress.

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